X-Band: The Phantom Podcast
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast
#282 - The Phantom Jam Print Fundraiser
Presenting a fundraiser jam print being sold to rais funds for the Westmead Children's Hospital. This has been the brainchild of Australian cover artist Jamie Johnson in participation with 25 past and present Australian artists, the Lee Falk's Members Bangalla Explorers Club (LFMBEC) and Chronicle Chamber.
Each print will be $50Au and will be available at the Sydney Supanova event held Saturday 22 June and Sunday 23 June 2024. You will be able to buy them at Jamie Johnson's booth.
Alongside the print, will be the inks over blue lines on A3 paper - that is 25 pieces of original art also for sale. Four of these will be sold at the LFMBEC dinner.
All funds raised will be for the Westmead Children's Hospital.
We advise all those interested to follow Jamie Johnson on Instagram as he celebrates "25 days of Phantom". Every day from Monday 27 May 2024, will feature a new artists piece with the pencils, the time lapse video and the finished inks.
The artists involved are:
- Sy Barry: Instagram
- Glenn Ford
- Jamie Johnson: Instagram
- Paul Mason: Instagram
- Nicola Scott: Instagram
- Chris Wahl: Instagram
- Jason Paulos: Instagram
- Glenn Lumsden
- Gary Chaloner
- Grange Wallis: Instagram
- Jeremy Macpherson: Instagram
- Antonio Lemos
- Shane Foley: Instagram
- Dean Rankine: Instagram
- Wayne Nichols: Instagram
- Lauren Marshall: Instagram
- Alex Trpceski: Instagram
- Matt Kyme: Instagram
- Lily McDonnell: Instagram
- Marcelo Baez: Instagram
- Chewy Chan
A special mention and thanks must go to the families of Peter Chapman, Keith Chatto and Lindsay Walker who have given us permission to use their artwork in this jam piece.
If you are a nerdy phan who loves talk about the creative process, this podcast is a much watch. We chat with Jamie Johnson, Grange, Lauren Marshall, Alex Trpceski, Dean Rankine and Matt Kyme.
The LFMBEC dinner has raised over $100,000 over their last 30+ dinners and this amazing concept will help raise more for those kids who attend the hospital. If you would like to learn more about the dinner event, go to their website.
You can email us at chroniclechamber@gmail.com or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram.