X-Band: The Phantom Podcast

#171 - What Would You...

October 26, 2020 ChronicleChamber.com
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast
#171 - What Would You...
Show Notes

One of our more favourite podcast subjects is the "What Would You Choose" game. The concept is you nominate a question or category with two options. Imagine that you can only engage with one of those options for the rest of your life (eg, if you pick B&W you can never read another colour comic). 

What do you choose and why?

The four questions are:

  1. The Nomad v The Python
  2. Claes Reimerthi v Norman Worker
  3. Supanova v LFMBEC dinner
  4. Record a podcast with: Lee Falk or Ray Moore?

We would love to know your answers if you could only choose one of these subjects.

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