X-Band: The Phantom Podcast

#252 - Supanova Sydney 2023 Preview


Who is excited about Sydnova 2023? 

For Those Who Have Come in Late a lot of Phantom phans from around Australia and the world gather in Sydney for a bunch of phan gatherings and Sydney Supanova. To help increase excitement, Jermayn Parker is joined by several Phantom creators and phans to preview the upcoming weekend. If you want to learn more about the event read our Phantom Sydnova 2023 preview.

Make sure you listen or watch as we have giveaways to pass onto you but you need to give us the secret keyword.

Australian Phantom creators in Jamie Johnson, Lauren Marshall, Duncan Munro, Matt Kyme, Jeremy MacPherson and Shane Foley all join us to discuss the event. We are also joined by phans Jon Cookson and Sean Bassett who join me to discuss why this event is indeed the pinnacle of Phantom collecting in Australia.

The confirmed guests with a Phantom Influence are:

  • Freddie Williams II (own booth)
  • Daniel Picciotto (own booth)
  • Alex Trpcevski (own booth)
  • Jamie Johnson (own booth)
  • Lauren Marshall (own booth)
  • Matt Kyme (own booth)
  • Christopher Sequeira (own booth)
  • Chewie Chan (own booth)
  • Paul Mason (Frew booth)
  • Shane Foley (Frew booth)
  • Jeremy Macpherson (Frew booth)
  • Duncan Munro (Frew booth) 
  • Antonio Lemos (Frew booth)
  • Marcelo Baez (Frew booth)
  • Jason Paulos (Frew booth)

If you are going to Sydney Supanova and would like to join us for one of the phan meet ups or discuss this podcast, you can email us at chroniclechamber@gmail.com or chat with us via our social media profiles with your feedback at Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram

Make sure you stay with us and do not forget to subscribe and leave a review on our podcast and or our YouTube Channel

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