X-Band: The Phantom Podcast
Via the modern jungle drums Chronicle Chamber present the world's FIRST AND BEST podcast dedicated to the classic adventure comics hero, THE PHANTOM! If you're passionate about the Ghost Who Walks, this is one podcast you won't want to miss out on!Regular Hosts Jermayn, Stephen & Dan discuss everything in the Phantoms world from all the latest comics and news. We also regular interview Phantom creators and phans from around the world.
X-Band: The Phantom Podcast
Episode #62- A Chat with the Kid Phantom Creators
The ChronicleChamber team are joined by Dr Paul Mason (artist) and Andrew Constant (writer), the creative team behind Frew's upcoming new series Kid Phantom! In this wide-ranging conversation, Paul and Andrew talk a little about their own professional histories and influences, but mostly delve into the world of Lee Falk, explaining some of their ideas, concepts and themes for the exciting new series.
For every phan curious to know more about Kid Phantom, and especially if you have even the slightest doubt about the direction of the comic book, this is a must-listen!